Using Preventative Physical Therapy to Stay Healthy

When most San Diegans think of physical therapy, they think of it as a rehabilitative measure that you have to deal with after an injury or surgery. In fact, the opposite is true; physical therapy can be preventative. Think of it this way: you see your family doctor...
The Role of Physical Therapy in Pre and Post-Op Care

The Role of Physical Therapy in Pre and Post-Op Care

Recovering from a major surgery can be physically and emotionally difficult, and sometimes, pre and post-op physical therapy are required to speed up the healing process. Physical therapy can also help you better manage your pain levels and regain function. If your...
An Essential Part of the Core: The Pelvic Floor

An Essential Part of the Core: The Pelvic Floor

Written by Dr. Allison Gentry PT, DPT, CAFS You know that moment when you need to “go” really badly and you squeeze as hard as you can and rush to the restroom? The muscles that you are “squeezing” make up your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is located in your pelvis...
Overhead Athletes and Shoulder Health

Overhead Athletes and Shoulder Health

Written by Dr. Thomas Russell PT, DPT,CAFS The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the body and is actually made up of three separate joints. These include the acromioclavicular joint (where the collar bone meets the shoulder), the sternoclavicular joint...